Friday, September 17, 2010

New Measures to Strengthen Economy?


This upcoming Monday as Parliament resumes, Ottawa is planning on three new measures to help further stimulate and bolster our economy.  This plan of action is on the contrary to Prime Minister Stephen Harper's ideas on our recovering economy.  According to Stephen Harper's ideology on our present day economy, our economic stimulates are to end in March of the upcoming year - but according to Canadians, our economy is still in further need of work if full recovery is to be achieved.  Another issue that comes along with our Prime Minister's cut off of the stimulus plans is that municipalities could be stuck with paying millions in debt as incomplete infrastructure projects are not complete by the federal government's deadline of March 31, 2011.  In times such as these, it is better to assume the worst of the situation and try to fix it rather than assume it's at its best and declare a false recovery - while hurting families nation-wide.


The topic in which this article can be related to is scarcity in money.  Because of our economy's current state, the stimulus plans that are in action right now are a necessity - one that should not yet be cut off so soon.  By cutting off these stimulus plans, it makes it harder for the people affected to earn sufficient amounts of money for their everyday costs and needs.  Also due to Canada's money scarcity at the moment, if the federal government were to be strict on their deadlines of completing the infrastructure projects, many municipalities would be in disastrous debt due to an insufficient amount of resources ( in this case money).  If Stephen Harper were to extend these stimulus plans until the time that the people of Canada themselves feel that money is no longer scarce and hard to obtain, I believe that would be the best action plan that helps people acquire sufficient amounts of money.


 In my opinion, Stephen Harper and his government are not protecting the interests of Canada's people.  Although they may believe that our economy has made a recovery and things should now go back to normal, it is clear for thousands of people nation wide who are still struggling with earning a dollar and/or finding jobs that it is not.  It is not just myself who believe that money is no longer a want, but a need.  This is why ending these stimulus plans - making it hard for us all to earn that dollar and even costing us millions in incomplete projects (which are due to weather and other factors that are beyond our municipality's control) is, at least in my opinion, going to deal a severe blow to our rate of up rise from our economic downfall of the prior years.


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